"Dream with Love"

 Collection of 50 World Famous Paintings of Venus on  



Venus Essential Set III

 28 of 50 Paintings 

" Venus with Organist and Cupid "


This is a painting for Emperor Charles V that Titian began in 1545 and delivered in 1548.

In 1550's there are many versions of this painting "Venus with Musician", and then the pastoral concerts which remained fashionable for another two hundred years.

In Titian's painting the contact between the young musician and the Goddess of Love reveals something interesting. The picture is dominated by the nude figure on the couch, leaning on her elbow and displaying the beauty of her full body and the vibrant liveliness of her skin. 
The organ-player has his back toward her, but he openly turns his head while playing and derives inspiration from the sight of such beauty. However the passive goddess pays no attention to the musician while he makes great effort to make eye contact. 

This painting can be also considered as the representation of Sight and Hearing.   The fantastic background became part of this picture in connection with music and beauty, the well-spring of love. 

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